Wendy S. Williams

The 5 Traits of Empathic (and Effective) Leaders

Empathic Leaders are:

Vulnerable: Empathic leaders see vulnerability as a strength, not a weakness. They invite criticism with the intent to learn and grow. They are good storytellers. They allow others into their worlds. 

Self-aware: Empathic leadersunderstand their own beliefs, motivations, and values. They are in tune with their strengths and weaknesses and know how to capitalize on strengths while seeking help with weaknesses. They know how to manage their emotions. Many have a mindfulness practice.    

Good listeners: Empathic leaders listen attentively and without interruption. They do not formulate responses while the other person is talking. They listen with the intent to understand and willingness to change their minds. They receive criticism with humility and openness.  

Effective communicators: Empathic leaders speak clearly, specifically, openly. They do not respond defensively. They respond only after having actively listened to the other person. Their speech is measured in heated situations. They give others the benefit of the doubt. They assume the best in others.       

Perspective-seekers : Empathic leaders are eager to understand the worlds of others. They want to learn about the values, motivations, and dreams of others. They spend time with those in their charge. They ask questions.  

Empathic leaders with these characteristics are able to create a sense of belonging where people feel valued and included, and where they can be their authentic selves and participate in a shared vision for the company.  

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